Why Bunny's Blog?

You may notice that throughout the blog baby is referred to as "bunny". Many people use nicknames like "bean" but I thought bunny was cute.

Friday, January 30, 2015

1 Month Birthday

Happy 1 Month Birthday to Toby!

Today is Toby's 1 month birthday. Of course I wanted to take monthly pictures so I ordered a package of stickers that are made to stick to clothing so you can take cute photos. Wouldn't you know it that the package was missing the 1 month sticker? It's okay though, I used one of the "handsome" stickers instead and changed the text in photoshop.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

4 Weeks Old & Fancy Free

Toby is 4 weeks old today! It seems like all that has happened is eating and pooping, but it has been a busy week.

Sometimes Toby makes funny faces when he is hungry. I think he is channeling his inner Lin Beifong here. (Sorry people who don't watch Legend of Korra to get the reference.)

How about a sleepy Batman? Everyone knows Batman right?

I had a doctor appointment this week so we experimented with pumping a bottle to see if he would take it and grandma was successful. Now other people can feed Toby too, but I have to pump the milk first so easier said than done.

Here Toby found himself transported to a magical fantasy land where he was surrounded by his animal friends. I think they are letting him in on a secret.

After all the eating and pooping and playing though it is nice to chillax at the end of the day and know you are adorable.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 3 Bath Time!

Toby is three weeks old today! His umbilical stump fell off a while ago so he can get real baths now.

I found this picture of his very first bath in the hospital. I guess they had to bath him right away since he came out covered in blood.

And this is the first real good bath at home. Toby actually likes the water quite a bit.

Of course it feels good to be nice and clean after the bath.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Time Flies

I had intended to do a weekly post on Tuesdays so that people can see a few pictures and be updated on the cute/funny things that happened in the week. Well if you couldn't tell from the lack of a Tuesday update that didn't exactly happen. Currently I am writing this post on my smartphone while Toby sleeps on the boppy in my lap. Thank goodness for smartphones or there may not be an update until he is out of diapers. 

So since the birth Toby has eaten a lot and we have gone through a lot of diapers. He does not like to be wet at all so he often wants to be changed even as he is falling asleep. The first days home from the hospital were some of the hardest because he hadn't pooped yet and had to be fed every 2-3 hours. Waking up a sleeping baby to eat seems very cruel. Now that he weighs more than his birth weight he can just eat on demand and that is much happier for everyone.  Sometimes he sleeps for 3-4 hours now. 

This was taken on Tuesday for his 2 week checkup. He is 22.25 inches and 9 pounds 4 oz. we don't see the doctor again until he is 2 months old. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015


 So usually the first picture you would see with a baby announcement is a picture of a brand new, naked baby. However I am a little bit different so we are starting with the surprise knot in the umbilical cord that we discovered when Toby was born. Luckily he never went into distress or if he did, it didn't show up on the monitors. The cord was also wrapped around his neck, though that is not uncommon. Ben said that it was a super long umbilical cord.

Now you can have the new, naked baby picture. 

Baby Tobias Ryan was born December 30th at 1:15 AM PST, 8 pounds and 7.8 ounces, 21 and .26 inches long.

Everyone says Toby looks just like Ben in this one. 

Baby footprints. (Oooops the lady missed a toe on the right one.) 

Proud papa holding the baby. 

And proud mama too.