Babywatch 2014 has officially begun! Baby bunny could decide to come any day now and it would be "normal". Final preparations are being made and I only have a week left at work.
At my last few checkups my belly has been measuring a few weeks larger than it should be. So Tuesday, in the middle of the storm of the century, we went for an ultrasound to check on baby bunny's growth. The doctor was nervous that we might be dealing with a "big baby". Luckily the technician said it looked like baby was about 7 and a half pounds and perfectly normal in the 61st growth percentile.
He does have some chubby cheeks though!
The tech was also nice enough to look and see if baby bunny was still a boy since he was shy and hid at the last ultrasound I had where we checked to see if he was positioned correctly.
Survey says he is still a boy!
And now we wait....