Why Bunny's Blog?

You may notice that throughout the blog baby is referred to as "bunny". Many people use nicknames like "bean" but I thought bunny was cute.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sweet Baby Shower Preparations

My mom always makes chocolates for special occasions and my baby shower is a super special occasion. We spent several hours online looking to find just the right chocolate molds and containers. Mom worked on making the chocolates several days before the party and of course the weather was not cooperating but the chocolates still came out cute and I even unpacked and charged my good camera to take some photos.

These baby blocks are actually designed to hold chocolate covered double stuff oreos. As I heard someone at the party say, "oooh, there is a surprise inside!" What can I say, they are cute and delicious! And since we didn't know bunny's gender yet we tried to make an even number of pink and blue things.

If my mom spent a lot of time making candy, Nina spent as much time putting everything together and making it look nice. Here are the baby bottle party favors that every guest got. They are stuffed with chocolate covered almonds and custom m&m's that were printed for the shower. The fuzzy bunnies attached were a big hit.

These little chocolate animals were used to stuff some adorable gift bags. Sadly, I did not get a good picture of those, but I promise they came out super cute.

I'm very grateful that I have such wonderful family that was here to help prep for the party. It turns out everyone had a great time and I have my moms and sister to thank for that. More about the party and possibly a gender revealing cake next time. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Gender Predictions

Everyone is asking if baby bunny is a boy or a girl. I don't know yet, and I have not had any strong feelings or convincing dreams either way. Oddly enough some of the ladies I know told me they "just know" or "have had a feeling" about what the baby will be. While I am okay not knowing until the gender reveal at my shower (if possible) there are a lot of "gender prediction tests" out there that will supposedly tell me early.

Now honestly there is no scientific evidence that any of these actually work but I thought it would be fun to go through some of the most common ones and see if they have similar or different results.

1. The Chinese Gender Prediction
Legend says that the gender chart is more than 700 years old and was discovered in a royal tomb. It predicts your baby's sex based on the mother's Chinese lunar age at the time of conception and the Chinese lunar month in when the baby was conceived. I used a website to calculate my numbers and got a GIRL result.

2. The Baking Soda Test
Put enough baking soda into a cup to cover the bottom, then pee into the cup. If the baking soda fizzes or foams like beer, the mothers is having a boy, if it doesn’t react, a girl. I figured I had a box of baking soda sitting around so this would be an easy test to do. The result was fizzy indicating a BOY.

3. The Wedding Ring Test
Take a wedding ring and attach it to a thread or strand of hair. Hold the dangling item over mom to be's belly while she is lying down. If the wedding ring swings in a strong circular motion, she will be having a girl. If it moves in a to and fro motion like a pendulum, she will be having a boy. There is no absence of yarn in my house, but I did need to get my wedding ring since it doesn't fit anymore. 20 seconds later I watched the ring swing back and forth suggesting a BOY.

4. Genital Tubercle Angle Theory
Based on a 12-14 week ultrasound, a profile view of the genital region is needed. A horizontal line can then be drawn along the lower portion of the spine and then another one through the genital tubercle. Based on the angle of intersection between those lines, you can determine the gender.
Boy = greater than 30 degrees. Girl = less than 10 degrees. I was lazy and didn't try to figure this out myself but showed someone else my scans and they are claiming it is a GIRL.

5. Ramzi/Skull Theory
Rumor has it that you can determine the gender of your baby based on an early ultrasound by studying the shape of their skull. Baby girls are thought to have a more rounded forehead while baby boys will look more flat or slightly slope backwards. Looking at my last scan it looks like a BOY to me.

6. Mayan Number Theory 

I've never heard of this one before. Supposedly the Mayans combine the mother's age at conception, and the year of conception. If the result is a even number, it's a girl. If the result is an odd number, a little boy is on the way. (29+ 2014= 2043) or a BOY.

7. The Heartbeat Test
If the baby's heartbeat is 140 beats-per-minute or above, it's a girl. Below 140, a boy. At my 12 week ultrasound the heartbeat was 161 leading me to say GIRL for this test.

As you can see I got a pretty even split of 3 girl results and 4 boy results, which is not super surprising since there is a 50/50 chance of predicting correctly.  Though I suppose if all of the tests pointed one way or another I might find it a little creepy.  I guess only time (and fingers crossed - my next ultrasound) will tell.